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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Can today's woman really have it all????

A recent UK study showed that a lot more women today, especially between the ages of 30 and 40 are suffering from work related stress than say 20 years ago. And this is because a woman's role has increased as we become wives, mothers and have careers.

I am a career woman myself, I have a husband and 3 children and I also run this online magablog. So I am a pharmacist, a wife, a mother and an entrepreneur and I love each of those roles, some more than others obviously.

I abandoned my ambition to become a cardiac surgeon (thank God) because I felt that for me to be able to achieve that and become good at it I would have to sacrifice having a family or at the very least start a family very late and I did not fancy becoming a geriatric mum. So I chose pharmacy instead. I like my career and I love this magablog but I feel most fulfilled and happiest when I am playing the role of wife and mother. When I'm reading with my youngest daughter, giving my son a bath and doing the weekly shop with my eldest daughter. In those moments I truly feel alive and fulfilled.

But I want to achieve much more than my grandma and mum did so I can leave my children more, so I pursued a career to teach my children discipline and commitment and I am now building my profile as an entrepreneur to teach my children that they can make their on way in life and don't have to be join the rat race of 9 to 5 jobs. The society we live in today is very different to that of our grandmas and mums. Things are tougher now and the man's wages alone can no longer sustain the family. So women and men have to adapt and adjust because things don't look like that they will be changing anytime soon.

I work 5 days a week and my husband 5.5 so at the weekend I have to catch up on housework, kids homework, cooking and my blog or an event we have to attend. So we adapted, my husband reads with my younger daughter whilst I do the weekly shop online at the same time as I am cooking. My eldest daughter supervises my son in the shower and he dresses himself. My kids are happy and I have a great relationship with all three of them and my marriage is stronger than ever because my husband and I have realised we need each other for friendship and emotional support if we're to survive under the pressures of modern day living, my career is going well and my magablog is gaining momentum and we are comfortable financially. I have a great life. So In response to the question, yes a woman can really have it all but does she really want it all and more importantly does she need it all????

I mean whilst I love my work, I wish I didn't have to. I would like to spend more time with my children, I would love to just play the role of wife and mum because it's is in the moments that I am playing those roles that I truly feel fulfilled and am happiest.

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