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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Friday 27 November 2015

4 Life saving tests too many of us are skipping

1.Cervical cancer smear test. This is a method of detecting abnormal cells in the cervix which if left untreated can develop into cancer. Most women skip this because it's uncomfortable and can be embarrassing for some. I mean you have to lie there and open your vagina and then a speculum is shoved inside you to open up your vagina for easy access to your cervix (neck of the womb.), yeah not pretty but it is necessary and could very well save your life. It only takes a few minutes and is not painful just a uncomfortable. If you are over the age of 25 you should have a smear test done every 5 years.

2.Hooking up with girls otherwise know as Self breast check. I am guilty of this as well but I skip it because I don't know how to. But there's no right way to check your breast. You just have to feel around your breast for lumps. Although the presence of lumps is not the only indication that something is wrong. Redness, a rash, an inverted nipple, a change in the size of breast or shape, nipple discharge or dimpling on the skin could also be signs that something is not right. So get to know your girls, I mean really know them so you can quickly spot any changes.

3.Mammogram. This is still the best and most effective way of diagnosing breast cancer at an early stage when any lumps might be too small for a person to feel. It is recommended that women over the age of 50 go for mammograms every 3 years. Sure you have to stand in front of huge machine with your girls out but I think its a small price to pay if it saves your life.

4.Eye test. Yes I know you don't need glasses but an eye test is not just for people that need glasses. It can also detect early signs of a number of serious conditions before any symptoms occur. Conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and glaucoma, a condition that causes increased pressure in the eye and can lead to blindness if left untreated. So go to and optometrist very two years to get your eyes checked. 

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