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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Friday 4 December 2015

Sugabelly: Victim of rape or Woman scorned??????

For those of you that haven’t heard or that don’t really know the ins and outs of this story let me fill you in. Basically Lotanna aka Sugabelly claims that the son of the recently deceased governor of Kogi state Mustafa Audu, raped her repeatedly and got his friends and brother to rape her too when she was 17 over a period of time. She gives a detailed account of the various incidents with names of her alleged abusers. Her account is pretty graphic but has holes in my opinion. I couldn’t help getting a sense that something was missing from her story. I found it very difficult to identify with her or see her as a victim. Firstly she never said that she was held against her will and she kept coming back. She claims she kept coming back because he threatened to release kinky pictures of her naked and videos of her being raped. But this was back in 2007 and as far as I remember back then it wasn’t that easy to upload and share things on social media, but I guess if one was determined they could make it happen.  I don’t think this story is black and white. I also cannot understand why she went about it the way she did with all this media frenzy.

I don’t know what to make of the story. Is it a young girl trying to make a name for herself at the same time as exacts revenge on the guy who jilted her or is it a young man trying to cover up the fact that he took advantage of a young messed up girl’s infatuation with him.

I think lots of people are as confused as me because the petition calling for justice for her has only received 170 signatures even with all the coverage.

Decide for yourself

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