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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Buhari: Foreign investors backing out of Nigeria as they loose faith.

It seems Buhari’s efforts to defend the naira by increasing spending and restricting the supply of foreign exchange to banks and their customers is causing concern for foreign investors like JP Morgan Chase & Co. Causing them to remove Nigeria from their local currency emerging market bond indexes, in September, triggering a sell-off in the nations’ assets (I hope y’all understood that cos I didn’t, I just heard some man say it on Bloomberg and it sounded smart and just stuck with me).
Basically the exchange rate issue is the main thing bothering investors because most of them have to transact in dollars and the restriction is causing a delay in them getting their hands on the currency and thus causing a delay in them paying their importers. Which is very bad for business because nobody likes to be paid late.
Companies like Heineken NV, Nigeria’s biggest brewer and Nestle SA are a few that have been affect.

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