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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

2 Stomach Friendly Tips For a Healthier And Happier Tum.

1. Take probiotics on an empty stomach
It’s the new craze now. Everyone is talking about probiotics, but what are they? They are quite simply the good bacteria that naturally exist in the gut. They aid digestion and digestive health and have been shown to possibly help you lose weight. Taking good quality probiotics everyday on an empty stomach will ensure you get the most benefit. There are probiotic capsules you can take such as Bio-Kult, Optibac and Solgar or if you are pill-popping averse then you can try eating foods that naturally contain probiotics.
Foods that contain probiotics include
·  Yoghurts, go for ones that say live and active cultures on the label and little or no sugar e.g. Yakult

·   Kefir. This is a cross between yoghurt and milk. It is made by fermenting milk with bacteria and yeast to produce a slightly tangy and creamy drink  that can be taken on its own or blended with fruit to make a smoothie.

·  Soft cheese. Not all cheese are a good source of probiotics the main ones to eat are cheddar, cottage, parmesan and gouda cheese.

2. Fast twice a week.
Give your digestive system a rest by fasting for 16 hours twice a week. You can have soup early one evening and then have nothing to eat until lunchtime the following day. This gives your gut a much needed break and allows the lining of the intestines to heal and repair.

Copyright June's Secrets 2015

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