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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

20 Bits Of Marriage Advice I Wish I Had Known.

1. Don't ask him to meet the needs and the fill the gaps in your life that only God can.

2. When you find something that ticks him off , stop expecting him to suddenly change someday and not find it annoying just Stop doing it.

3. His prescription; upset - sex, feeling hopeless- sex, feeling tired- sex, grieving - sex, angry -sex, irritated -sex. You get the picture!

4. He doesn't know how you're feeling. You have to tell him.

5. He doesn't know how you expect him to react. You have to tell him.

6. He doesn't know what you expect him to do. You have to tell him.

7. He doesn't know what you're thinking. You have to tell him.

8. He doesn't know how you want to be kissed or touched. You have to tell him.

9. He didn't stop being who he is just because you put a ring on it. Let him pursue his hobbies and have reasonable playtime with the guys.

10. Stop trying to change him, only God can. You can only change you so concentrate on being a better you.

11. Mind your own business. Your business is not how he treats you but how you treat him.

12. Pray for  him.

13. Learn to be a good cook. (But if you can't then distract him in the bedroom)

14. Let the poor guy have some faults, he's only human.

15. He's not a pervert because he wants sex all the time that's just his number one need and all guys are like that.

16. Don't answer for him. If someone asks you if he can do something, say, I will have to check with him.

17. Sex is an intimate art, it takes years of practice to perfect. So, practice, practice , practice.

18. Flirt with him.

19. Learn his love language. What makes him feel loved?

20. The fact that it's that time of the month is no excuse to be a nightmare to be around. Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot.
Copyright June's Secrets 2015

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