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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Sunday 3 May 2015

5 Behaviours That Can Screw Up Your Hormones!

Do you always feel like you are a slave to your hormones? Well you are right, you are. Our hormones control our whole system and affects everything from our moods to what we chose to eat. Some of our daily habits could affect the level of hormones in our system and thus affect our behaviour.

1.     Cortisol is a hormone that the body releases to help it cope with stress. It also helps keep you awake. At night time the cortisol level drops so that you can get some sleep. But if you are working late or stressing out late at night then the levels keep rising and thus stops you winding down and getting to sleep and then hello insomnia.

2.     The vicious cycle. The lack of sleep causes your cortisol levels to rise causing insomnia. It also causes your blood sugar to rise making you stressed and craving junk food. Start sleeping more and over time your cortisol level should even out.

3.     Eating foods you shouldn’t or at times you shouldn’t will make you put on weight which could in turn make your body resistant to insulin leading to type 2 diabetes.

4.     Lack of regular exercise. When you exercise your body releases hormones called endorphins a.k.a feel-good hormones that make you feel positive and alert. The endorphins also keep your immune system in tip top condition and increases your sex hormones and thus your libido. So lack of exercise equals moodiness, less than optimal immune strength and reduced libido.

5.     Crash diets. Loosing too much body fat due to extremely low calorie diets or intense exercise sessions lowers oestrogen levels and affects your periods. Regular moderate exercise and smaller portioned balanced meals should help you maintain a healthy weight.
© June's Secrets 2015

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