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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Hands Up All Those Who Use Cotton Buds, Biro Cover,Or A Bobby Pin. You Should Read This!


Earwax is a combination of cerumen, which is produced by your body's sebaceous glands to keep the skin in your ear moist, and dead skin cells, which your ear canal sheds just like the skin on the rest of your body. It actually plays an important role in protecting the outer ear from infection and trauma, so having a certain amount in our ears is very healthy.

When you use a foreign object like a cotton bud, biro cover or a hair pin to clean your ears, you're actually pushing wax further into your ear canal, and up against the eardrum. It disrupts your skin’s natural shedding process and causes your ear to produce even more wax. Over time you could push the wax back into the ear canal and create a blockage that needs surgical removal and at worst you could damage your external ear canal or even rupture your eardrum.

So what’s the best way to clean your ears? It might not seem like it but your ears are actually designed to clean themselves by pushing the earwax out of the ears on its own. The movement of your jaw aids this. But if you feel like you ears need a clean then put a few drops of olive oil into the ears, this should soften the wax and help it flow out more easily.

If you have been cleaning your ears wrong, it’s not too late to correct it. Just stop and like most people, your earwax production should level out after a month or so. You might experience some itching, and I use the word “some” very loosely because mine itched so badly but putting a drop of olive will help relieve this so stay strong and whatever you do, do not reach for the cotton buds or whatever you normally use.
copyright June's secrets

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