Health & Beauty

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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Thursday 20 August 2015


What is it?

Haemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels around the anus and rectum. It is usually not serious but cn be painful and uncomfortable.

Depending where the blood vessels, they can be internal (swelling inside the anal canal) or external (swelling near the opening of the anus).

What causes it?

·        Pregnancy

·        Childbirth

·        Straining to pass stool

·        Irregular eating habits

·        Being overweight.

What does it look like?

External haemorrhoids

·        Itching around the anus

·        Rectal pain during and just after bowel movement

·        There may be a blood pool under the skin forming a hard painful lump called a thromobosed or clotted haemorrhoid.

·        There may be streaks of blood on the toilet paper after straining to pass stool.
Internal haemorrhoids

·        Itching around the anus

·        Rectal bleeding

·        Bright red streaks of blood on the toilet paper after normal bowel movement

·        Bright red blood in the toilet bowel after normal bowel movement

·        Skin irritation, the haemorrhoid is large, it may bulge from the anus and secrete mucus which will cause irritation.

·        Felling like you haven’t completely emptied the anal canal.

·        Not usually painful but if the haemorrhoid is large it could become quite painful.

(Rectal bleeding and pain could also be an indication of colon, rectal or anal cancer. So get yourself checked out properly to rule these out.)

How can I get rid of it without medication?

Sadly you can’t get rid of haemorrhoids without medication but you can do some things to keep them from getting worse and give you some relief.

·        Use soaps that do not contain perfumes or dyes.

·        Rather than wiping with toilet paper after a bowel movement, wash the anus with water instead and then pat dry. If you can’t wash with water then use flushable premoistened wipes like Andrex wipes or toddler wipes NOT baby wipes, like pampers, because they are not flushable

·        Sleep on your stomach with a pillow under your hips to help reduce swelling

·        Sit on a pillow

·        Avoid lifting heavy items.

·        Wear loose cotton clothing.
  • Apply ice several times a day to the affected area for about 10minutes followed by a warm  compress for a further 10-20minutes.

Tried without meds but still there!

·        Astringents – They form a protective film over the swelling. Examples: Anusol, Preparation H

·        Anti-inflammatories – They contain the steroid hydrocortisone which relieve itching and inflammation. They should not be used for more than 2 weeks  continuously because they can thin the skin. Examples: Anusol Plus HC

·        Local anaesthetics- These numb the area to relieve pain, burning and itching. Some people may become allergic to them. Like the steroid containing preparations, they should not be used for longer than 2 weeks. Examples: Germoloids, Xyloproct, Scheriproct.

·        Oral pain killers for pain. Examples: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin and diclofenac the latter four should be taken after food as they can cause ulcers if not
Copyright June's Secrets 2015

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